On November 23–24, the conference „About Lem and space” will be held, organized in a hybrid formula by the Polish Space Agency POLSA. Dr Adam Zadrożny and MSc. Dominik Rybka-scientists from the National Center for Nuclear Research will talk about the international POLAR-2 project and the Polish contribution to this mission.
More information about the conference and links to the broadcast can be found on the event pages: https: //polsa. gov. pl/wydarzenia/13-ostatnie/1547-zapkuje-na-konferenc …
The POLAR-2 project is being developed in cooperation with China, European partners and the United Nations, and is a continuation of the POLAR project – a detector that measures the polarization of gamma rays. The construction of the POLAR-2 instrument is a joint project of Universite de Geneve, National Center for Nuclear Research, Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinesse Academy of Sciences. The coordinator of the Polish research group is prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Pollo, head of the NCBJ Astrophysics Department.
The contribution of our scientists and engineers to the implementation of the project will be significant. „The National Center for Nuclear Research is responsible for the design and construction of two key elements of the system: the central computer with the main trigger of the experiment and the low voltage power supply and distribution system” – says MSc. Dominik Rybka, coordinator of a team of NCBJ engineers working on electronics, responsible for electronic components. „We will also take part in the development of software, as well as the analysis of data collected by the detector” – adds Dr Adam Zadrożny from the NCBJ Astrophysics Department. „We create software to assist in locating gamma-ray bursts, data analysis and combining POLAR-2 data with data from other instruments such as LIGO-Virgo. „
Information about the POLAR-2 project is available on our website:
https: //www. ncbj. gov. pl/bp4-lodz/udzial-projekcie-polar
Project website address:https: //www. unige. ch/dpnc/polar-2