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Advancing society and the economy
through research and innovation

National Centre for Nuclear Research

We are one of the largest scientific institutes in Central Europe. Our Centre is a unique research unit in the country. We have a very rich history and, above all, a huge scientific output, mainly in fields such as physics, nuclear and plasma technologies. We conduct basic and applied research related to nuclear energy and various areas of subatomic physics. Our work is interdisciplinary and covers the following scientific fields: physics, materials engineering, automation, electronics and space technologies, environmental engineering, mining and energy, pharmaceutical sciences.

Bombardowanie próbki wiązką promieniowania prowadzi do wybicia elektronów z wewnętrznych powłok atomowych. Gdy powstała luka zostanie zapełniona przez elektron z wyższej powłoki energetycznej, nadmiar energii może zostać wyemitowany w postaci promieniowania o charakterystycznej dla danego pierwiastka energii. Źródło: https://www.howstuffworks.com/

What determines the detection limit in spectroscopic studies?

Spectroscopic studies are a tool used in many fields of science to identify materials and gain insight into their physical and chemical properties. As part of recently published research carried out at NCBJ, detection limits of spectroscopic studies have been set for copper and silver alloys, as part of validation tests of analytical methods.

MARIA Reactor

We operate the only research nuclear reactor in Poland. How does it work and what is its application?
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We conduct research that has applications in the economy, industry and medicine.
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We manufacture high-quality radiopharmaceuticals and diagnostic kits for nuclear medicine.
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National Centre For Nuclear Research

NCBJ presentation

NCBJ Highlights