The IT Center Świerk (CIŚ) building opened in 2014 in National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) was decorated with a magnificent mural. Since the institute operates primarily during the day, likely, many employees do not even know that luminescent paints have been used for paintings. The author of the work Olaf Cirut is preparing to carry out another work in Ostrzeszów.
Physicists know that luminescence is a phenomenon of so-called cold light, or light under a different factor than a high temperature. The paints used by Mr. Olaf Cirut to construct the facade of the CIŚ building absorb the energy falling on them during the day. Over time, when it gets dark, paints give off absorbed energy in the form of light. In the daytime it is not visible, because the reflections of the currently falling light are dominant, but at night there is an amazing effect, as can be seen in the photo.
The artistic career of the author of the mural develops interestingly. Recently, he won a competition to decorate the building of the Ostrzeszów Cultural Center. The work will be done in a similar technique as used in Świerk. For more information, please refer to the local media: https: //www. radiosud. pl/rozrywka-i-oswiata/ostrzeszow-inspiracje-autora-...
At NCBJ we still have several buildings with large, spacious walls. Perhaps in the future some of them will be covered with similar attractive graphics as the CIŚ mural.