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Korpus elektromagnesu cyklotronu powstającego w ramach projektu CERAD, dzięki któremu możliwa będzie produkcja nowych, unikalnych radioizotopów (foto: IBA) The use of radiopharmaceuticals based on metal isotopes is gaining importance due to the improvement of their production methods. The article by OR POLATOM scientists on the review of the production capacity of the copper-67 radioisotope has been published in a special edition of the international journal „Molecules”.

The field of radiopharmaceuticals is constantly developing, which is influenced by its interdisciplinarity. Scientists involved in inorganic chemistry, radiochemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, nuclear medicine and physics contribute to the research. A particular increase in interest can be observed in the area of ​​radiopharmaceuticals based on metal radioisotopes. This is related to the improvement of existing and the emergence of new, effective methods of their production. This topic Was addressed in the recently published special issue of the journal „Molecules”, „Metal-Based Radiopharmaceuticals in Inorganic Chemistry”. The issue contains scientific and review articles that concern both traditionally used and newly introduced radiometals for use in diagnostics and therapy, their production methods and ways of using them. One of the articles is a presentation of the production possibilities of the copper-67 isotope. Its authors are Renata Mikołajczak, prof. PhD Eng. and Izabela Cieszykowska, PhD from the POLATOM Radioisotope Centre, as well as scientists from Legnaro National Laboratories, University of Ferrara and Brookhaven National Laboratory.

In the article, the researchers collected currently used methods of production of the copper-67 radioisotope, both using accelerators and research nuclear reactors, together with an analysis of their effectiveness and profitability. The targets used for irradiation, the subsequent methods of recovering the isotope from them, as well as the possibility of reusing the target material are described in detail. In addition, the scientists provided a detailed description of the copper-67 isotope itself, methods of determining its activity and purity, both radiologically and chemically. The possibilities of using this radioisotope in medicine, especially in theranology, were also determined. The authors emphasize the growing availability of methods for the production of this isotope, which will also be possible at the National Center for Nuclear Research using a cyclotron in the currently emerging CERAD project. Combined with the properties of copper-67, this could make it an important radioisotope for diagnostics and therapy.

The special issue of the journal is available at: https: //www. mdpi. com/books/book/6962-metal-based-radiopharmaceuticals-in-inorganic-chemistry


Korpus elektromagnesu cyklotronu powstającego w ramach projektu CERAD, dzięki któremu możliwa będzie produkcja nowych, unikalnych radioizotopów (foto: IBA)