Giełda Prac Magisterskich i Doktorskich w ELI ERIC
Politechnika Wrocławska
27 Mar, 2025 - 27 Mar, 2025
Master’s and PhD Thesis Fair at ELI ERIC
(Extreme Light Infrastructure, European Research Infrastructure Consortium)
Addressed to:
– MSc students, PhD students and their Promoters,
– Enthusiasts of ultra-short pulsed high-power lasers and their applications,
– Fans of exotic phenomena induced by extreme power laser pulses,
those interested in the fields of:
Photonics, Physics, Optoelectronics, Optics, Lasers, High Power Physics, Chemistry, Materials Engineering, Medical Applications of Lasers and similar.
International collaboration
On 27 March 2025 (Thursday), the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology will host a Master’s and Doctoral Thesis Fair, organised in collaboration with the European research infrastructure ELI ERIC, focusing on research using extremely intense laser pulses.
The Fair will take place on 27 March from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. in the Senate Room (Room 241/A-1) of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, and will also be streamed online – with the access link: https://indico.eli-laser.eu/event/207/ .
During the event, around 30 proposals for master’s and doctoral thesis topics that can be implemented in collaboration between universities and ELI ERIC will be presented. Presentations will be given by representatives of the two main ELI research centres:
- ELI BEAMLINES (Prague, Czech Republic) – www.eli-beams.eu
- ELI ALPS (Szeged, Hungary) – www.eli-alps.hu
The whole project will be carried out in a system of international cooperation, under the promotion of university employees and co-promotion of researchers from ELI. The scope and division of work between the institutions will be determined on an individual basis.
This is a unique opportunity to engage in an unprecedented type of world-class research collaboration.
Detailed programme is available on the event webpage: https://indico.eli-laser.eu/event/207/