
Konkurs - EUREKA, nabór w roku 2024 (17.05.2024 – 18.10.2024)

Financing: NCBiR

17 May, 2024 - 18 Oct, 2024

EUREKA (2024 call) - The EUREKA initiative aims to increase the modernity, productivity and competitiveness of European industry. It funds projects implemented by at least two partners from two different Member States. The projects must be aimed at the development and implementation or significant improvement of existing production technology, implementation of a new product or service.

Beneficiaries of the competition on the Polish side can be SMEs, large enterprises and research and knowledge dissemination units.

The funds obtained can be used for industrial research and development work. Projects must be market-oriented, i.e. provide for the development of a new product, process or service, and must have a civilian purpose. Industrial research and development work. Projects must be market-oriented, i.e. provide for the development of a new product, process or service, and must have a civilian purpose.

The budget is PLN 5 mln.

Applications for funding must be submitted electronically, either as scans of hand-signed documents or documents signed with a qualified electronic signature sent to eureka@ncbr.gov.pl.

In addition, the applicant, together with the leader/partners of the international consortium, fills in and submits electronically in English the international application on the platform https://eureka.smartsimple.ie, by the deadline of 18 October 2024, 13:59:59 CEST. On the other hand, an applicant applying within one of the clusters to which Poland belongs (Xecs, Celtic-Next, Eurogia 2030) does not fill in anything on the SmartSimple platform, but submits a Full Project Proposal, which has received the so-called cluster label.

 The call for applications runs until 18 October 2024.

More information: https://www.gov.pl/web/ncbr/eureka-nabor-w-roku-2024

and  https://eurekanetwork.org/