
In Situ Liquid Transmission Electron Microscopy: A Unique Tool for Investigating Corrosion Processes at the Nanoscale

NOMATEN seminar room /

27 Feb, 2025 - 27 Feb, 2025

Seria: NOMATEN Hybrid Seminar

Prelegent i afiliacja: Dr. Madeline Jayne Dressel Protochips, USA

Data: February 27th, 2025, 10 AM (CET)

Miejsce: NOMATEN seminar room /

Streszczenie: Technological advancements in resolution, elemental analysis, and sample preparation have established transmission electron microscopy (TEM) as an indispensable tool for studying the structure and composition of a wide range of materials. When combined with modern, specialized in-situ systems, TEM can effectively function as a real-time nanoscale laboratory, enabling direct observation of processes such as growth, degradation, and particle interactions with resolutions down to a few nanometers. This presentation will highlight the achievements, research, and capabilities of the in-situ liquid system: Poseidon. It will also explore how studies in the field of corrosion (and beyond) have been conducted, contributing to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms governing material properties at the macro scale.