XFEL Applications in Material Sciences

Instytut Fizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Al. Lotników 32/46, Warszawa

05 Dec, 2024 - 06 Dec, 2024

The European Free Electron X-ray Laser (EuXFEL) is among the world's largest ongoing scientific endeavors. Its cutting-edge research capabilities draw top scientists from across the world, enabling the pursuit of ambitious scientific challenges. EuXFEL's experiments significantly advances our understanding across various fields, including medicine, pharmacology, chemistry, materials science, nanotechnology, energy, and electronics, fostering the development of new technologies that impact our everyday lives.

The workshop “XFEL applications in material sciences” is being organized as a part of a project by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, supporting the development of the Polish XFEL scientific community to fully leverage the new research opportunities offered by the EuXFEL. The event will take place at the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, on December 5-6, 2024.
During the workshop, world-class experts will present examples of XFEL research in the field of:

  • materials research at high pressures and temperatures,
  • nanotechnology and
  • magnetism.

The workshop will also provide an opportunity for Polish scientists to present their current and/or planned XFEL research.

In addition to insightful scientific presentations, attendees will be introduced to the opportunities available through the Ministry Program, which provides funding for:

  • participation in XFEL related conferences, workshops and schools,
  • internships at EuXFEL experimental stations
  • performing pilot and complementary experiments.

Moreover, the event will feature a presentation on the Network of Centres of Excellence for XFEL research in Poland (CD XFEL ), where this program is being implemented.

We are confident that the workshop will serve as an important step for the participants in preparing high-quality scientific projects and performing successful experiments at the EuXFEL.


Ryszard Sobierajski, Joanna Libera – Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
Wojciech Gawełda, Adam Glinka, Jacek Kubicki – Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
Katarzyna Jarzembska – University of Warsaw
Dagmara Milewska – National Center for Nuclear Research

Registration: https://events.ncbj.gov.pl/event/375/
Contact: cd-xfel@ifpan.edu.pl

More information: https://www.ifpan.edu.pl/cd-xfel/wydarzenia/