Modern nano-radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostics and therapy



Dr. Karolina Zajdel from the National Centre for Nuclear Research received funding for an extraordinary project under the SONATINA programme of the National Science Centre. Together with her team, she will create universal nano-radiopharmaceuticals that will enable both the detection of cancer and the selective destruction of cancer cells.

The dynamic development of modern medicine forces the development of new diagnostic imaging methods and therapeutic strategies in the treatment of various diseases. In this context, increasing hopes are placed on nanotechnology, which enables the creation of structures capable of overcoming biological barriers. Such substances are characterized by unique optical and magnetic properties, which make them a versatile tool in biomedical diagnostics and disease treatment. However, it should be remembered that the use of new, not fully understood nanostructures is associated with a risk of undesirable side effects that is difficult to predict. Therefore, the ideal solution would be to design and clinically verify nanoparticles that would be safe and would combine both diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities (so-called theranostic nanoparticles).

”I am looking for multifunctional and efficient nanomaterials that will generate relatively low production costs and at the same time be characterized by high biocompatibility and minimal cytotoxicity in biological systems,” declares the project leader, Dr Karolina Zajdel. „All of the above features seem to be met by a new generation of nanomaterials doped with lanthanide ions (ions of rare earth elements). They have unique optical properties that enable the conversion of lower energy radiation into higher energy radiation in a non-linear optical process called ’up-conversion of radiant energy’. For this reason, these nanoparticles are called up-converting nanoparticles (UCNPs).

Such nanomaterials emit visible light or ultraviolet radiation when excited with near infrared radiation. In addition, the tested nanoparticles have many valuable properties. They are characterized by relatively low cytotoxicity, excellent photostability and resistance to bleaching. Additionally, the choice of dopant ions affects the color of the emitted light or gives them other properties, e.g. magnetic. This, in turn, allows them to be detected using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The combination of several different imaging techniques is the so-called multimodal imaging, which increases accuracy and provides a detailed image of the biological material being examined. However, the most interesting aspect of UCNPs is the potential use of imaging in nuclear medicine, such as positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission tomography (SPECT), to detect radioactivity.

”A nano-radiopharmaceutical is a nanosystem consisting of a nanoparticle, a radionuclide, i.e. an appropriate radioactive isotope, and a target biomolecule, acting as a specific biological ligand. – says Dr Zajdel – „From a practical point of view, the features of nano-radiopharmaceuticals offer significant advantages in terms of diagnostic and therapeutic sensitivity and specificity, as well as imaging resolution. They can be used in medicine for both the diagnosis and treatment of cancer (which is called theranostics).”

This means that a nano-radiopharmaceutical administered to the body will binds selectively to cancer cells and allow them to be localized or destroyed. The radiolabeling method proposed in the project will involve the incorporation of the natural component of UCNPs, which is yttrium (Y), in the form of its two radioisotopes: therapeutic Y-90 and diagnostic Y-86, into the core or shell of the obtained nanoparticles.

The main goal of the project „Radiolabelled up-converting nanoparticles as theranostic agents for multimodal imaging and targeted therapy” is the development and synthesis of new nano-radiopharmaceuticals for theranostic applications. These nanostructures will be based on a new generation of luminescent up-converting nanoparticles, labeled with diagnostic and therapeutic radioisotopes. The project will be implemented at the NOMATEN Centre of Excellence within the National Centre for Nuclear Research. The project is financed by the National Science Centre under the SONATINA 8 program intended for young scientists.