The next stage of cooperation between NCBJ and JAEA on the HTGR-POLA reactor project
On August 21-23, 2023, a meeting was held at NCBJ as part of work on the preparation of the basic research project of the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor HTGR-POLA (High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor - POLski Atomowy). This was the next stage of reviewing the documentation provided by JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) under the contract concluded in March 2023 for cooperation in the preparation of the design of this reactor. The purpose of the talks was also to adapt the documentation provided to the requirements set by the Polish design team and to adapt the reactor design to the research, experimental and application requirements of the HTGR reactor for NCBJ and the Polish market.
The Japanese delegation, consisting of experts from the JAEA institute and Toshiba ESS (Toshiba Energy Systems and Solutions) and MHI (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries), was led by Dr Hirofumi Ohashi - deputy director of the HTGR Project Management Office at the JAEA, who was in Świerk in 2020-22, conducting preparatory talks for the project. The Polish project team of more than 20 people, consisting mainly of staff from the Department of Nuclear Energy and Environmental Analysis, was led by Prof Mariusz Dąbrowski. NCBJ management was represented at the meeting by Dr Marcin Kardas, Deputy Director of NCBJ for Innovation and Implementation, and Dr Józef Sobolewski, Plenipotentiary of NCBJ Director for High Temperature Reactor Development.
During the discussions, issues such as reactor structural and equipment (SEKW) systems and elements, reactor core elements, elements contained inside the reactor vessel, electrical systems, etc. were discussed. Some of the materials provided, in addition to preparing the basic design of the reactor for the purpose of obtaining a construction permit, will also be used to prepare a Preliminary Safety Report (CSR) for the HTGR-POLA reactor, in order to start the process of licensing the reactor by the State Atomic Agency (PAA).
During the meeting, an exhibition of models of HTGR-POLA reactor elements and its prototype, the Japanese HTTR (High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor), prepared on 3D system printers, was presented. For this purpose, printers available at NCBJ were used, allowing both plastic (FDM) and very precise prints from powdered metals sintered together using a laser beam (SLM). Both technologies allowed the development of models of individual fuel rods, fuel blocks, but also the assembly of a reactor pressure vessel and steam generator. Among the participants at the meeting, cross-sections of full fuel block models, showing internal components such as cooling channels and fuel rod openings, were of particular interest. The exhibition, the brainchild of Maciej Skrzypek, M.Sc., is available at the NCBJ Science and Technology Park.
The basic design of the HTGR reactor is being carried out on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Science under a contract entitled Technical Description of a Research High Temperature Gas-cooled Nuclear Reactor (Contract No. 1/HTGR/2021/14). The next round of HTGR basic reactor design element transfer is planned for December 2023. The contract is expected to be completed on 31 March 2024.