Postdoctoral Position, Physics Analysis of the Belle II Data and the Development of Software
19 Aug, 2024 - 14 May, 2023
Max Planck Institute for Physics
Munich, Germany
The Max Planck Institute for Physics (MPP) is a research institute focusing on particle and astroparticle physics from both an experimental and a theoretical perspective. We invite applications for a Postdoctoral position (f/m/d).
A major activity is the participation in the Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB facility in Tsukuba, Japan. Belle II offers the possibility for precision studies of CP violating phenomena, rare decays, the flavor sector in general and much more.
Since 2019 Belle II has collected a competitive data sample of about 430 fb-1 which is ready to be analysed. MPP’s main contribution to the Belle II hardware is a pixel vertex detector (PXD) based on the DEPFET active pixel sensor technology. Furthermore, MPP is active in software development, and data analysis, especially time dependent CP violation and charmless hadronic B decays.
The successful candidate should play a leading role in the physics analysis of the Belle II data and the development of software, especially in fields where MPP is already active. We require a PhD in experimental Particle Physics or closely related fields. The applicants should have a strong interest in heavy flavor physics. Knowledge of ROOT, C++ and good programming skills in general are considered an asset.
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Deadline: 14 May 2023