Postdoctoral Research Associate in Astrophysics and Cosmology, Newcastle University
27 Aug, 2024, 11:00
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Astrophysics and Cosmology
Newcastle University
Newcastle, United Kingdom
The Role
We invite applications for a postdoctoral research associate position in astrophysics and cosmology. You will join the Newcastle University Cosmology/Astrophysics groups and work with Marika Asgari.
The research is focused on modelling baryonic physics for probes of large scale structures and analysis of data using these models.
You will work with the simulation group in Leiden, who will use state of the art simulations, such as FLAMINGO, to guide and validate the models. Travel funds are available to facilitate this. The candidates are encouraged to also develop and pursue their own related projects within this topic.
You must have or about to obtain a PhD or equivalent with a strong track record in original research in probes of large scale structure. Other essential and desirable attributes are detailed below.
Key Accountabilities
- Conduct research in the relevant topics to the research funding;
- Present outputs of the research from the research team in written and oral form;
- Work with the full research team and the wider collaborators across the world;
- Contribute to the positive culture and general strengths of the research group and the School; for example, through supervision of project students, participation in outreach, leading initiatives to promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), and organising/ participating in research events;
- Any other duties that may be required from time to time, commensurate with the grade of the post.
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