Uczenie maszynowe pomaga zrozumieć zachowanie stopów magnezu

Machine learning helps understand the behavior of magnesium alloys



Machine learning was used to map the distribution of dislocations in Mg alloys and predict their mechanical properties. A group of scientists from Finland, Spain, and NCBJ trained a deep learning model on a dataset of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) images of Mg alloys with different dislocation densities. This could lead to the development of novel materials with optimized mechanical properties. Their paper appeared in the July issue of Nature Scientific Reports.
Struktura przyspieszająca do akceleratora FLASH na stanowisku testowym, uruchomionym w ramach projektu Utworzenie centrum informacyjno-wdrożeniowego przemysłowych technik radiacyjnych CentriX w NCBJ (Foto: Marek Pawłowski / NCBJ)

NCBJ is building a station generating an ultra-high dose electron beam (FLASH)



At the NCBJ Nuclear Equipment Department, with the participation of the NCBJ Nuclear Equipment and Techniques Department, the accelerator structure for the new FLASH therapy research station was designed and built. The pioneer stand is to use the construction of the AQURE medical accelerator and is ultimately to operate at the WCO in Poznań.
Andrzej Głowacki i Krzysztof Kurek (Foto: PAA)

PAA autho­ri­za­tion – The first step of NCBJ to ful­fill the role of TSO



NCBJ has been autho­ri­zed by the Natio­nal Ato­mic Energy Agency, which will allow the insti­tute to sup­port the acti­vi­ties of the Agency’s Pre­si­dent in the field of safety of nuc­lear power plants and nuc­lear phy­sics in prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tions. At the cur­rent stage, these tasks will be pri­ma­rily rela­ted to the pro­ces­ses of licen­sing future power plants and super­vi­sion over their con­struc­tion.
Dostępna jest już pełna seria filmów "Wirtualne Dni Otwartych Drzwi NCBJ i OJ Świerk"

The full series of films „Vir­tual Days of Open Doors NCBJ and OJ Świerk” is now ava­ila­ble



Today at 3 p.m. the pre­miere of a film about the work of the HITEC Nuc­lear Equ­ip­ment Plant and the Depart­ment of Phy­sics and Par­ticle Acce­le­ra­tion Tech­no­logy. It will be the tenth and last film publi­shed as part of the Vir­tual Days of Open Doors pro­ject of the Natio­nal Cen­ter for Nuc­lear Rese­arch and OJ Świerk. We warmly invite you to see all the reali­za­tions!
Stanisław Mrówczyński podczas Specjalnego Colloquium DBP (foto: Marek Pawłowski / NCBJ)

Annual Awards Presented by the Fundamental Research Department of NCBJ



On June 26, 2023, a Special Colloquium was held, during which awards were presented for the best research and popularization activities in 2022 at the Fundamental Research Department. The winners were Prof. Michał Bluj, a team consisting of Prof. Paweł Ziń and Dr. Maciej Pylak, Dr. Michael Romano, and Prof. Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman and Dr. Miguel Figueira
Grafika: Przekrój projektowanego reaktora. Na czerwono są oznaczone bloki rdzenia z kanałami paliwowymi, na pomarańczowo – bloki reflektora z kanałami chłodzącymi, na żółto – bloki reflektora z kanałami na pręty regulacyjne, na zielono – pozostałe bloki reflektora, na niebiesko – bloki reflektora stałego. Obok reaktora znajduje się zbiornik ciśnieniowy wytwornicy pary. (Źródło: NCBJ)

Concept design of the HTGR-POLA research reactor



On June 12, at a conference organized by the Polish Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, the conceptual design of a new Polish high-temperature research reactor developed at NCBJ was presented to the public for the first time. The helium-cooled reactor will provide 30 MW of thermal power, and the helium temperature at the outlet of the primary cooling circuit will reach 750 ⁰C.
Zawartość gwiazdowo-pyłowa w funkcji wieku Wszechświata. Rozkład osiąga szczyt w okolicach kosmicznego południa.

Unveiling the hidden stars: ALMA Shines a Light on Dust Attenuation



Interstellar dust is a key component in galaxies. It favors star formation and drives the chemistry and physics of the interstellar medium. However, it hides the majority of stars in a way that it is impossible to observe them. Astrophysicists use dust attenuation laws that would uncover these hidden stars by reverse-engineering the light from galaxies to quantify how many stars are there.
First International Workshop on Complex Glasses 17-19 October 2023 Warsaw

First International Workshop on Complex Glasses 17-19 October 2023 Warsaw


17 Oct, 2023, 11:00

Metallic glasses have been for a long while a promising direction in materials research, and the field faces a variety of questions from how to understand their atomic structure, make them in bulk, design alloys with specific properties, and study their mechanical behavior.