Stanisław Mrówczyński podczas Specjalnego Colloquium DBP (foto: Marek Pawłowski / NCBJ)

Annual Awards Presented by the Fundamental Research Department of NCBJ



On June 26, 2023, a Special Colloquium was held, during which awards were presented for the best research and popularization activities in 2022 at the Fundamental Research Department. The winners were Prof. Michał Bluj, a team consisting of Prof. Paweł Ziń and Dr. Maciej Pylak, Dr. Michael Romano, and Prof. Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman and Dr. Miguel Figueira
Grafika: Przekrój projektowanego reaktora. Na czerwono są oznaczone bloki rdzenia z kanałami paliwowymi, na pomarańczowo – bloki reflektora z kanałami chłodzącymi, na żółto – bloki reflektora z kanałami na pręty regulacyjne, na zielono – pozostałe bloki reflektora, na niebiesko – bloki reflektora stałego. Obok reaktora znajduje się zbiornik ciśnieniowy wytwornicy pary. (Źródło: NCBJ)

Concept design of the HTGR-POLA research reactor



On June 12, at a conference organized by the Polish Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, the conceptual design of a new Polish high-temperature research reactor developed at NCBJ was presented to the public for the first time. The helium-cooled reactor will provide 30 MW of thermal power, and the helium temperature at the outlet of the primary cooling circuit will reach 750 ⁰C.
Zawartość gwiazdowo-pyłowa w funkcji wieku Wszechświata. Rozkład osiąga szczyt w okolicach kosmicznego południa.

Unveiling the hidden stars: ALMA Shines a Light on Dust Attenuation



Interstellar dust is a key component in galaxies. It favors star formation and drives the chemistry and physics of the interstellar medium. However, it hides the majority of stars in a way that it is impossible to observe them. Astrophysicists use dust attenuation laws that would uncover these hidden stars by reverse-engineering the light from galaxies to quantify how many stars are there.
First International Workshop on Complex Glasses 17-19 October 2023 Warsaw

First International Workshop on Complex Glasses 17-19 October 2023 Warsaw


17 Oct, 2023, 11:00

Metallic glasses have been for a long while a promising direction in materials research, and the field faces a variety of questions from how to understand their atomic structure, make them in bulk, design alloys with specific properties, and study their mechanical behavior.