The main objectives of the four-year SINFONIA project is to develop novel methodologies and tools that will provide a comprehensive risk appraisal for detrimental effects of radiation exposure on patients, workers, carers and comforters, the public and the environment during the management of patients suspected or diagnosed with lymphoma and brain tumours. Reinforced risk appraisal of medical exposure is needed due to an extensive use of ionising radiation which significantly improved healthcare and patient outcomes.


Project brings together multidisciplinary consortium, combining the expertise of 14 partners from 8 countries: Greece, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Austria, Poland and Germany. It includes major universities, research institutes, hospitals and industry partners.


The scientific work will develop novel Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered personalised dosimetry and risk appraisal methods and tools to:

  • estimate the radiation burden on patients undergoing state-of-the-art radiological, nuclear medicine and radiation therapy procedures,
  • reinforce risk appraisal for exposed staff, comforters, the public and the environment during nuclear medicine and proton therapy procedures,
  • determine the degree of patient variability in radiation sensitivity for the risk of developing secondary malignancies
  • design and develop data management techniques for managing data from imaging and non-imaging examinations and radiation therapy sessions.


A data repository will be developed for storing data as well as for the deployment of AI algorithms on an online platform. SINFONIA research outcomes for the two clinical examples, lymphoma and brain tumours will be also applicable to other diseases.

AI-powered personalised dosimetry tools will provide advanced knowledge on parameters affecting radiation detriment. This will help balancing risks and benefits of ionising radiation procedures and developing dose optimisation strategies. Additionally, radiation biology studies will identify individuals with increased susceptibility of developing cancer from ionising radiation exposure.

SINFONIA also offers high level multidisciplinary training in the field of radiation dosimetry, risk appraisal and radiation protection and develops recommendations on radiation protection.

More information about education meetings will be updated and published on the project website EDUCATION - Sinfonia (

Duration of the project: 01.10.2022 – 30.09.2024

Source of financing: This project received funding from the Euratom 2019-2020 research and training program under grant agreement 945196 (HORYZONT 2020)

Maximum grant amount for all partners: 5 999 997,50 EUR

Grant amount for NCBJ: 170 375,00 EUR

Project manager: prof. Renata Mikołajczak

Project website:


Data zakończenia projektu
Komórka organizacyjna (zakład)