What do we specialise in?

The tasks of the Division include supporting the operation of the MARIA reactor in terms of:

  • development of design, construction and technical documentation of equipment and technological systems of the reactor as part of modernisation or refurbishment works,
  • design of new equipment and technological systems for production or experimental purposes,
  • development of irradiation technologies for the irradiation of materials in the MARIA reactor, including the production of radioisotopes, biological and material samples,
  • handling the preparation of materials for irradiation in the MARIA reactor and dispatch of irradiated products to the customer,
  • development and operation of experimental reactor facilities,


  • carrying out research and development work connected with the operation of the reactor,
  • construction of equipment and technological systems based on own or other authorised design units' documentation,
  • management of spent fuel of the reactor,
  • maintenance of equipment and technological systems of the reactor,
  • preparation of technical conditions for ordered materials and equipment,
  • maintaining the plant's technical warehouse,
  • maintaining the plant archive.

The Department operation is based on the Quality Assurance Program for the Reactor MARIA (PZJ-MARIA).


Andrzeja Sołtana 7,
05-400 Otwock - Świerk
tel/fax +48 22 273 1091
e-mail: EJ3@ncbj.gov.pl