Wysokotemperaturowy reaktor jądrowy HTTR w Japonii. Źródło: JAEA

Are multi-unit HTGR reactors safe?



Dr. Mina Torabi will analyze the safety of multi-unit high-temperature reactors as part of the MINIATURA grant funded by the National Science Centre for researchers starting their scientific careers.


In recent years, the number of multi-unit reactors has increased significantly. Multi-unit reactors allow for shared resources and infrastructure, thus reducing the overall construction and operational costs. However, these reactors face the risk of simultaneous system failures across units due to shared causes, such as initiating events, component failures, and human error. To address these risks, the present project aims to apply Multi-Unit Probabilistic Safety Assessment (MUPSA) methodology to analyze multi-unit High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors (HTGRs) located at the same site. Specifically, the study will focus on High Temperature engineering Test Reactor (HTTR), an experimental Japanese HTGR designed and operated to demonstrate HTGR commercialization.


The research will be financed by the National Science Centre as part of the project „The multi-unit probabilistic safety assessment for the high temperature gas-cooled reactors HTGR” carried out by Dr Mina Torabi at the National Centre for Nuclear Research.