W dniu 4 grudnia 2024 roku zespół kierowany przez prof. Mariusza Dąbrowskiego przedstawił Dyrekcji NCBJ wyniki przedsięwzięcia HTGR.

Technical design of the HTGR-POLA high-temperature research reactor completed



The design of Poland's first high-temperature gas-cooled reactor, HTGR-POLA, has been under development at the National Centre for Nuclear Research for several years. On 4 December 2024, the team led by Prof. Mariusz Dabrowski presented the results of the HTGR project to the NCBJ Management.

HTGR reactors can be an excellent companion to large nuclear power plants. With the production of high-temperature steam, they can be an opportunity to decarbonise certain chemical and petrochemical industries. In addition, by simultaneously producing electricity and heat (i.e. polygeneration), they are able to meet the needs of local communities.

The main outcome of the project carried out at the NCBJ is the technical specification of the HTGR-POLA research high-temperature reactor. Between 2022 and 2024, the following studies were produced: "Conceptual design of a research high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) in Poland", "Basic design of a new complete superheated steam supplied energy conversion plant of the HTGR (High Temperature Gas cooled Reactor) nuclear reactor installation with a rated power of 30 MWt" and "Basic design of the nuclear island in the HTGR-POLA reactor and execution of the integration of the conventional island with the HTGR nuclear island". In parallel, a team from NCBJ developed the "Elements of a Preliminary Safety Report", a document necessary for further work on the licensing of the nuclear facility. Experts from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków and Energoprojekt-Katowice S.A. were involved in the above-mentioned work.

The HTGR project is also being implemented in the area of materials research. The project included the modernisation of the laboratory for testing materials that can be used in the construction of high-temperature reactors. Laboratory facilities equipped with modern research apparatus were prepared, and the necessary accreditations and quality management systems were obtained. As a result, NCBJ can carry out research work in the process of licensing materials for HTGR technology, as well as the research necessary for investment in nuclear power plants in Poland. The modernised laboratory has already been tested by performing research on graphite and alloy steels for compliance with the requirements of high-temperature reactor technology.

The NCBJ management highly appreciated the quality of the work carried out for the future of HTGR in Poland and acknowledges its completion in accordance with the approved budget and implementation schedule.

The HTGR project was developed in cooperation with the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and is being carried out on behalf of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (formerly: Ministry of Education and Science) under the contract titled: "High-temperature research project. Technical description of a research high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor" (Contract No. 1/HTGR/2021/14).

Przekazanie dokumentacji projektu HTGR Z-cy Dyrektora ds. Naukowych, prof. Agnieszce Pollo przez prof. Mariusza Dąbrowskiego
Przekazanie dokumentacji Dyrekcji NCBJ (prof. Agnieszka Pollo, dr Marcin Kardas, dr inż. Dariusz Socha) przez prof. Mariusza Dąbrowskiego
Przekazanie dokumentacji projektu HTGR
Przekazanie dokumentacji projektu HTGR
Przekazanie dokumentacji projektu HTGR