In the Universe, appearance matters: Dusty shapes of colourful galaxies



Can we see what is hidden in a cloud of dust without the aid of infrared vision? Scientists involved in the largest optical survey of the sky this decade, the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), led by a group from the NCBJ’s Astrophysics Division, in a paper published in April in Astronomy & Astrophysics, propose a novel method to extract information about dust in galaxies without actually observing its infrared light.

The Last Stand Before Rubin: tagging and modeling a compilation SL systems with ground-based images

ul. Pasteura 7, sala 404 /

09 Apr, 2024 - 09 Apr, 2024

Seria: Seminarium Astrofizyczne Prelegent: João Paulo Correia de França (Brazilian Center for Physics Research in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Data: wtorek 09.04.2024 godz. 12:30

Predicting oxide growth and corrosion resistance in Si-rich SiC fuel matrices fabricated by the reaction sintering process for high-power nuclear reactors during accidents

Campus Name

09 Apr, 2024 - 09 Apr, 2024

Seria: Seminarium Zakładu Energetyki Jądrowej i Analiz Środowiska (UZ3) Prelegent: Yosuke Nishimura University of Tokyo Data: 09.04.2024, godz. 11:30




Post-doc position in condensed matter physics/ computational materials science/machine learning | NOMATEN

Termin zbierania ofert: 01-06-2024

NOMATEN Centre of Excellence opens the competition for scientific postion.

(1+1) dimensional Quantum Gravity from the Corner Proposal

 room 207, Pasteura 7 / /

04 Apr, 2024 - 04 Apr, 2024

Seria: Seminarium Szkoły Doktorskiej NCBJ Prelegent: Ludovic Varrin (Szkoła Doktorska NCBJ) Data: Thursday, 4 April, 9:15
Zakres badania OGHReS z oznaczonym podziałem na wewnętrzny i zewnętrzny obszar naszej galaktyki. Źródło:

New observations of the outer Milky Way help to understand the star formation process



Having an accurate understanding of the star formation process is essential to comprehend the formation and evolution of galaxies, and this requires to unveil the impact of environment on star formation. In a new study published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, scientists used a new survey of the outer Galaxy to refine the distance and properties of star-forming clumps and study how star formation behave in comparison with the inner Galaxy.

Results from characterization of Barsebäck 2 RPV weld materials

NOMATEN seminar room /

02 Apr, 2024 - 02 Apr, 2024

Seria: NOMATEN Hybrid Seminar Prelegent: Jari Lydman, Advanced Materials for Nuclear Energy, VTT, Finland Data: April 2nd, 2024, Time: 1 PM

National Centre for Nuclear Research has joined the EURAXESS European network



EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion is a European initiative aimed at helping to develop the careers of researchers wishing to conduct research abroad. The National Centre for Nuclear Research is one of nine Polish institutions that joined the EURAXESS network in March.
Wyniki symulacji struktury atomowej stopu NiCoCr po punktowym nacisku diamentowym ostrzem. Jak zaobserwowali naukowcy, atomy niklu układają się wzdłuż kierunku działania siły nacisku.

Simulations reveal surprising reorganization of the short-range order in nickel-cobalt-chromium alloys



Scientists from the National Centre for Nuclear Research predict the possibility of chemical short-range ordering manipulation in multicomponent alloys using point pressure on their surface. They created a new type of ordering (density wave ordering) that might be more visible with experimental tools. Efforts are underway to confirm the numerical result experimentally.




Postdoc | BP4

Termin zbierania ofert: 03-05-2024

Astrophysics Division opens the competition for the position of postdoc.