Zdjęcia próbek grafitu przed (górny rząd) oraz po (dolny rząd) napromienianiu, wykonane przy pomocy skaningowego mikroskopu elektronowego (SEM). Widoczne są zarówno różnice w strukturze surowego materiału, jak i zmiany wywołane przez działanie promieniowania. Źródło: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2024.111247

NCBJ scientists study the evolution of defects in graphite for Generation IV nuclear reactors



Graphite is widely used in nuclear installations. It is used both in existing reactors and in the design of new Generation IV reactors. Despite its high resistance to extreme operating conditions, after some time, defects develop in it under the influence of radiation, which can alter its properties. Studies of the evolution of these defects have recently been carried out by scientists at the NOMATEN Centre of Excellence at NCBJ.




Postdoc | BP4

Termin zbierania ofert: 10-12-2024

Astrophysics Division opens the competition for the position of postdoc funded by MAESTRO NCN.




Postdoc | BP4

Termin zbierania ofert: 10-09-2024

Astrophysics Division opens the competition for the position of postdoc funded by MAESTRO NCN.




Postdoc | BP4

Termin zbierania ofert: 10-09-2024

Astrophysics Division opens the competition for the position of postdoc funded by NCN.




PhD student scholarship - Smashing galaxies into dust

Termin zbierania ofert: 05-08-2024

We are looking for PhD students (scholarship) for the SONATA 19 project financed by the National Science Center.




PhD student scholarship – Properties of low surface brightness galaxies in the LSST era

Termin zbierania ofert: 05-08-2024

We are currently recruiting for a PhD student scholarship financed by the NCN MAESTRO project




PhD student scholarship – Low surface brightness galaxies in the LSST era as a Big Data challenge

Termin zbierania ofert: 05-08-2024

We are currently recruiting for a PhD student scholarship financed by the NCN MAESTRO project “Barely Visible: Low Surface Brightness Universe in the LSST era,”




PhD student scholarship – Quantum Chromodynamics at High Energies

Termin zbierania ofert: 05-08-2024

Obecnie prowadzona jest rekrutacja na stanowisko stypendysty-doktoranta w projekcie NCN SONATA-BIS 13 UMO-2023/50/E/ST2/00133
Reakcja fuzji rozpoczyna się w momencie styku jąder pocisku i tarczy. Na rysunku pokazano początkową konfigurację dla zderzenia jąder atomowych tytanu i ołowiu. W reakcji tej powstaje jądro 104 pierwiastka, rutherfordu. Opis kształtu uzyskano, przesuwając układ odniesienia do punktu styku i stosując rozwinięcie promienia jądrowego w szereg harmonik sferycznych z uwzględnieniem zmiennej dipolowej.

A New Description of Superheavy Nuclei Synthesis



The heaviest known elements can only be produced under laboratory conditions. For years, nuclear physicists have been pushing the boundaries of the periodic table, trying to find the optimal reactions for synthesizing new elements. Scientists from the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) and the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw have succeeded in creating a new theoretical model that describes the key stage in the production of the heaviest atomic nuclei.

Konkurs - EUREKA, nabór w roku 2024 (17.05.2024 – 18.10.2024)

Financing: NCBiR

17 May, 2024 - 18 Oct, 2024

EUREKA (2024 call) - The EUREKA initiative aims to increase the modernity, productivity and competitiveness of European industry. It funds projects implemented by at least two partners from two different Member States.