
Konkurs - Współpraca Polska - Korea Południowa, 2. Konkurs (27.05.2024 – 27.08.2024)

Financing: NCBiR

27 May, 2024 - 27 Aug, 2024

Poland-South Korea Cooperation, 2nd Competition - is a competition for research and development projects in the field of energy efficiency (energy efficiency).

Konkurs – INNOGLOBO, 4. konkurs (02.04.2024 – 30.09.2024)

Financing: NCBiR

02 Apr, 2024 - 30 Sep, 2024

INNOGLOBO 4th competition - this is a competition, which enables Polish entities to establish research and development cooperation (in a variety of thematic areas) with foreign partners from those countries with which Poland maintains diplomatic relations.
Uczestnicy konferencji NOMRad (Foto: Marcin Jakubowski)

NOMRad 2024 - Review of the latest developments in radiopharmaceutical research



The International Radiopharmaceutical Conference NOMRad 2024 is taking place in Warsaw, organized by the NOMATEN Center of Excellence operating in Świerk as part of the National Centre for Nuclear Research. The presentations are focused on four topics: production and separation of radionuclides, radiopharmaceuticals, isotope labeling and biomolecules, and clinical trials. Additionally, a session for industry and presentations by PhD students are planned.




PhD student position within the POLONEZ BIS i JRC – Petten | MAB NOMATEN

Termin zbierania ofert: 31-10-2024

The National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) are inviting applications in the field of "Non-power nuclear and radiological technologies" for a Ph.D. position through the Collaborative Doctoral Partnerships (CDP) scheme (Agreement n. 36149).
Nagrody Dyrektora Departamentu Badań Podstawowych NCBJ

Last year's best achievements in basic research



On Monday, June 24, 2024, a Special Colloquium of the Fundamental Research Department of the National Centre for Nuclear Research was held, during which awards for achievements in 2023 were presented. The jury distinguished research on low brightness galaxies and for attempts to explain phenomena occurring during collisions of relativistic ions. Popular science stories and essays in which the author managed to hide his fascination with discovering the universe were also honored.
The SMACS 0723 galaxy cluster imaged by the James Webb Space Telescope.

Listening to the silence: Investigating the interstellar medium in evolved galaxies across cosmic ages



We know that among the stars visible in the sky with a telescope, we can also see galaxies. These collections of stars and planets, like our Milky Way, are places where stars are born and die. As seen from a distance, they appear in the form of disks or spirals, but it turns out that they did not always have this shape. The beginnings of the existence of galaxies in their present form will be examined by Krzysztof Lisiecki, MSc as part of a project financed by the National Science Center under the PRELUDIUM programme.

Structural and Spectroscopic Evolution of Quiescent Galaxies in the Middle-Aged Universe

ul. Pasteura 7, sala 207 https://meet.goto.com/NCBJmeetings/seminarium-astrofizyczne

25 Jun, 2024 - 25 Jun, 2024

Seria: Seminarium Astrofizyczne Prelegent: Ivana Damjanov (Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS, Canada) Data: wtorek 25.06.2024 godz. 12:30

HTGR-POLA: obecny status i przyszłe zadania

sala 172, bud. 39 (Cyfronet, III piętro) / https://www.gotomeet.me/NCBJmeetings/uz3-and-phd4gen-seminars

25 Jun, 2024 - 25 Jun, 2024

Seria: Seminarium Zakładu Energetyki Jądrowej i Analiz Środowiska (UZ3) Prelegent: prof. dr hab. Mariusz Dąbrowski NCBJ, USz Data: 25.06.2024, godz. 11:30
Melting the alloy

Is order always better than mess? – research on disordered metal alloys as a chance for safer nuclear and thermonuclear reactors



Entropy is a measure of disorder. One of the fundamental laws of physics indicates that it increases when the system consists of several different elements of equal or similar concentration. Therefore, the current model for developing new materials was based on the assumption that the alloy should have low entropy, i.e. have one leading element that is responsible for the most important properties of the material. It turns out, however, that high entropy in metal alloys combined with the distortion of the atomic lattice contributes to improving the functional properties of the material and not, as previously believed, to their deterioration. These surprising phenomena will be investigated by an international team of scientists led by prof. Łukasz Kurpaska as part of the project "Production of high-entropy alloys with high radiation resistance and increased mechanical properties at high temperature" financed by the National Science Center under the SONATA BIS program.




Professor of the Institute | NOMATEN

Termin zbierania ofert: 24-07-2024

Obecnie prowadzona jest rekrutacja do MAB NOMATEN.