

Postdoc | BP2

Termin zbierania ofert: 01-12-2024

The National Centre for Nuclear Research opens the competition for the position of


at The Theoretical Physics Division

Localization:: Warsaw, Pasteura Street 7

Description of tasks:

  • working in a research team under the supervision of the PI of  NCN project - SONATA BIS 2021/42/E/ST2/00009
  • preparing publications and conference presentations regarding the results obtained in the project and promotion research results
  • participation in the scientific life of the Division - participating in meetings, seminars co-organisation of workshop, conferences and other activities

Requirements for the candidate:

  • Ph.D. in theoretical physics (obtained no earlier than in 2018 and no later than Fall 2025),
  • documented research experience (publications, conference talks, etc.) in the field of theoretical particle/astroparticle physics or cosmology
  • good ability to communicate in English

Additional assets:

  • experience in coding and/or numerical methods

We offer:

  • employment in one of the largest research Institute in Poland
  • good learning environment. Support of an experienced team
  • external and internal trainings in hard and soft skills as well as participation in conferences

Required documents:

  • copy/scan of scientific degree diploma transcript
  • CV
  • brief statement of research interests
  • 2-3 letters of recommendation to be sent directly to andrzej.hryczuk@ncbj.gov.pl

Contact: dr hab. Andrzej Hryczuk  E-mail: Andrzej.Hryczuk@ncbj.gov.pl

Applications in electronic form should be submitted to: Andrzej.Hryczuk@ncbj.gov.pl

As an attachment to your application please sign and enclose the following declarations:

I agree for my personal data included in the application documents to be processed by National Centre for Nuclear Research with its registered office in Otwock, 7 Andrzej Sołtan Street, 05-420 Otwock, for a period of 12 months from their submission, in order to carry out future recruitment processes.
Information in accordance with Article 13 RODO on the processing of personal data:

  1. The Personal Data Controller of your personal data is the National Centre for Nuclear Research (hereinafter referred to as Controller or NCBJ) with its registered office in Otwock, 7 Andrzej Sołtan Street, 05-400 Otwock. 
  2. Your personal data will be processed for recruitment purposes on the basis of applicable law, including the Labour Code.  Data not required by law, provided by you in your documents, will be processed on the basis of your consent. Your consent is given by the transfer of this data.
  3. The full content of the information clause of Article 13 RODO is available  at  https://www.ncbj.gov.pl/en/information-clause-personal-data-processing


Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych posiada znak “HR Excellence in Research”. Rekrutacja prowadzona jest zgodnie z zasadami OTM-R (Open, Transparent an d Merit-based recruitment practices in Research Performing Organisations)