PRISMAP -  The Euro­pean medi­cal iso­tope pro­gramme: Pro­duc­tion of high purity iso­to­pes by mass sepa­ra­tion.

PRISMAP is the Euro­pean medi­cal radio­nuc­lide pro­gramme on the pro­duc­tion of high purity radio­nuc­li­des (radio­ac­tive iso­topes) by mass sepa­ra­tion. It creates the Euro­pean con­sor­tium of the key intense neu­tron sour­ces, iso­tope mass sepa­ra­tion faci­li­ties and high-power acce­le­ra­tors and cyc­lo­trons, with leading biomedi­cal and heal­th­care rese­arch insti­tu­tes in the active trans­la­tion of the emer­ging radio­nuc­li­des into medi­cal dia­gno­sis and tre­at­ment.

PRISMAP goal is to cre­ate a sin­gle-entry point for a frag­men­ted user com­mu­nity distri­bu­ted amongst uni­ver­si­ties, rese­arch cen­ters, indu­stry and hospi­tals, in a simi­lar way as how the Natio­nal Iso­tope Deve­lop­ment Cen­ter NIDC, sup­ported by the Depart­ment of Energy (DOE), has pro­vi­ded radio­nuc­lide sour­ces for users in the USA.

PRISMAP brings toge­ther a con­sor­tium of 23 bene­fi­cia­ries from 13 coun­tries, one Euro­pean Rese­arch Labo­ra­tory and an Inter­na­tio­nal Orga­ni­sa­tion. It rece­ives the sup­port of leading asso­cia­tions and insti­tu­tions in the field such as the Euro­pean Asso­cia­tion of Nuc­lear Medi­cine (EANM) and the Inter­na­tio­nal Ato­mic Energy Agency (IAEA).


Project goals:

The project goal is to pro­vide a susta­ina­ble source of high purity grade new radio­nuc­li­des for medi­cine, invo­lving from the onset upco­ming major Euro­pean infra­struc­tu­res, to pro­vide a sin­gle-entry point for all rese­archers active in this field inc­lu­ding SMEs, glo­bal pharma, nuc­lear cen­tres, hospi­tals and uni­ver­si­ties, using stan­dardized access pro­ce­du­res.

The new iso­tope enrich­ment and stan­dardization tech­ni­ques trig­ge­red in PRISMAP will expand its servi­ces and pro­vide them to yet unre­acha­ble remote Euro­pean labo­ra­to­ries. PRISMAP thus stri­ves to cre­ate a para­digm shift in the early phase rese­arch on radio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, targeted drugs for can­cer – one of the major dise­ases in Europe – the­ra­no­stics and per­so­na­li­sed medi­cine, sha­ping the Euro­pean iso­tope land­mark as a gold stan­dard to acce­le­rate the deve­lop­ment of the pharma indu­stry and ulti­ma­tely of bet­ter heal­th­care for the impro­ve­ment of humans life.

Project objectives:

  • Pro­vide access to new radio­nuc­lides and new purity gra­des for the medi­cal rese­arch;
  • Cre­ate a com­mon entry port and web inter­face to the star­ting rese­arch com­mu­nity;
  • En­hance the cla­rity and regu­la­tory pro­ce­du­res to enhance rese­arch with radio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals;
  • Im­prove the deli­ve­red radio­nuc­lide data and regu­la­tion, along with bio­me­di­cal rese­arch capa­city;
  • En­sure susta­ina­bi­lity of PRISMAP on the long term;

Nota­bly, PRISMAP addres­ses can­cer which is a major socie­tal chal­lenge as recen­tly recon­fir­med by Europe’s Beating Can­cer Plan.


Duration: 1 May 2021 r. – 30 April 2025 r. (48 months)

Funded under: European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme     

EU contribution: 4 995 257,50 EUR

NCBJ contribution: 321 125,00 EUR

The coordinator of the project: prof. Renata Mikołajczak

Project website: www.pri­

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Short presentation of the PRISMAP project

Short presentation of the PRISMAP project

Logo projektu PRISMAP (Źródło:

NCBJ becomes one of the partners of the European medical radionuclide programme PRISMAP

NCBJ participates in the European programme of production of medical isotopes – PRISMAP. With our experience in the field of production and research of radionuclides for medical purposes, we will be one of the elements of the communication network for the users of new radionuclides for diagnostics and therapy created within the project.

Data zakończenia projektu
Komórka organizacyjna (zakład)