Akcelerator śródoperacyjny IntraLine IOERT (foto: Grzegorz Krzyżewski /NCBJ)

Accelerator for intraoperative therapy will be installed in Poznań

An intraoperative accelerator produced in Świerk will be installed in Greater Poland Cancer Center until the end of 2020. Accelerator will be installed in a dedicated room and will utilise current achievements of NCBJ and WCO (Greater Poland Cancer Centre), attained during the implementation of AiD and INTRADOSE projects. The creators of this device take into account both the technological advancement related to accelerator-based solutions and current worldwide experience in intraoperative irradiation.

A Polish Product of the Future from Świerk will help cancer patients

On March 1 in Warsaw, Polish Product of the Future recognitions were awarded in this year 20th anniversary competition organized by PARP and NCBiR. The winner was the IntraLine-IOERT intraoperative accelerator built at the NCBJ. The competition promotes innovative products and technologies which have a chance to appear on the domestic and the global market.

NCBJ has presented an innovative medical accelerator

Malignant cells that might be left over in patient’s body after surgery of a tumour may be effectively destroyed just during the surgery. IntraLine, a new electron accelerator dedicated to such intra-operative treatment, was presented to oncology physicians who attended a conference organized in NCBJ Świerk on the occasion of conclusion of the INTRA-DOSE project.


A milestone in development of the INTRA-DOSE accelerator

All major technical parameters set by designers of a medical accelerator currently under development within the INTRA-DOSE project have been attained. This is a milestone in development of the Polish Comprehensive System for Intra-operative Radiotherapy. Current state of the project was discussed in detail during a visit paid to Swierk by Professor Julian Malicki, Director of Wielkopolskie Cancer Centre (WCO) in Poznań.

Kaja Swat, z-ca kierownika projektu Intra-DOSE (fot. NCBJ)

INTRA-DOSE system for intra-operative radiotherapy under development in Świerk

NCBJ, Wielkopolska Regional Cancer Centre (WCO), UJP Hitec Systems S.A. and Jarosław Kołcun are partners in an innovative project to develop the INTRA-DOSE comprehensive system for intra-operative radiotherapy.


Data zakończenia projektu