The basic statutory tasks of the National Centre for Nuclear Research include conducting scientific work, research and development work in the disciplines of:

  • physical sciences,
  • environmental engineering, mining and power engineering,
  • material engineering,
  • automation, electronics and electrical engineering,
  • pharmaceutical sciences.

The Institute performs tasks for:

  • SCIENCE by conducting research at the highest level in the scientific disciplines, and undertaking interdisciplinary collaborations, like running a doctoral school and training new researchers.
  • ECONOMY and INDUSTRY by implementing nuclear technologies and providing research services, as well as commercialising scientific achievements and patenting cutting-edge solutions.
  • HEALTHCARE, through commercial activities in the field of nuclear medicine and radiopharmacy.
  • STATE DEPARTMENTS by building competence mainly in the field of nuclear power (NPP), material research for its needs, providing research services related to nuclear power research, as well as for other fields, such as analyses of energy transmission in Poland and Europe, optimisation of the energy mix and supporting the legislative activities of the minister responsible for energy.

  1. Physics of elementary particles, heavy ions and cosmic radiation.
  2. Nuclear physics.
  3. Nuclear energy sources.
  4. Plasma physics and technology.
  5. Condensed phase physics, and material research.
  6. Accelerator physics and technology.
  7. Electronics and detectors.
  8. Application of computing techniques and high-powered computers in research, industry, and administration.
  9. The application of nuclear methods and techniques in medicine, environment and industry and the prediction of risks.
  10. Production of preparations and radiation sources for medical, industrial and scientific purposes. Metrology of ionising radiation.
  11. Research support activities (education, training).

    Plans in Polish (2025)(2024)

Research and implementation of development works are funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) and the Ministry of Climate and Environment (MKiŚ) in the following donations:


  • Subsidy from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: allocated by the decision of the Minister for a given year, published in the Announcement.
  • SPUB/SPUBi MNiSW: applications are submitted by the end of August each year on an annual or multi-year basis through the Funding Service System (OSF).
  • Investment grants from the MNiSW: applications submitted by the end of July each year on an annual or multi-annual basis through the Funding Service System (OSF).
  • Exploitation grants for nuclear safety and radiation protection from MKiŚ: applications submitted by the end of March each year on an annual basis, via the electronic mailbox (ePUAP).
  • Investment grants for nuclear safety and radiation protection from MKiŚ: applications submitted by the end of March each year on an annual basis, via the electronic submission box (ePUAP).


You are cordially invited to cooperate.

Agata Szwarczewska
tel. 22 273 16 07
International R&D Projects and Cooperation (SW)
Świerk, building 1, room 302

"Scientific research is one of the most important factors in the development of civilisation. Thanks to them, we can respond more effectively to the challenges of modernity (...). Without research conducted at the highest level, it is impossible to provide answers to these challenges, as well as to understand the dynamically changing world.

Two elements are crucial for excellence in research - adequate human capital and a modern research infrastructure. The latter is doubly important, as without it it is impossible to train future scientific and scientific-technical personnel at the appropriate level. Large, strategic research infrastructures bring together the best researchers and innovative companies, enabling economic development and growth of the country's social assets. Having excellent laboratories, applying the highest standards of research and education, is therefore our developmental imperative."


The National Centre for Nuclear Research, as a team leader or infrastructure owner, has included the following infrastructures strategic from the point of view of science on the Polish Map of Research Infrastructures:

  1. EUHTER;
  2. Hyper-Kamiokande;
  3. The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope LSST;
  4. Polski Laser na Swobodnych Elektronach PolFEL;
  5. Maria Neutron Laboratory MNL;
  7. XFEL Free Electron Laser.



You are cordially invited to cooperate.

Agata Szwarczewska
tel. 22 273 16 07
International R&D Projects and Cooperation (SW)
Świerk, building 1, room 302

Within the framework of the statutory activities, the Director of the National Centre for Nuclear Research allocates a part of the subvention each year to finance research activities of early-career employees (projects, training courses, conferences). This includes: individuals who, within the last 2 years before submitting a funding application, published at least one article in a scientific journal on the list of the Minister of Science and Higher Education (, and whose involvement in projects financed or co-financed from external sources does not exceed 70% and additionally meets one of the following conditions:

  1. he/she is an NCBJ employee reported to the N number who:
    • has a master's degree, from which no more than 10 years have passed
    • has a doctoral degree, no more than 7 years have passed since obtaining it;
  2. is a participant of the doctoral school run by NCBJ jointly with the Institute of Chemistry and Nuclear Technology assigned to NCBJ per the agreement on the joint running of this school.

The competition for the funding of scientific projects is announced every 2-3 years and allows projects to be carried out for 24 months.

Funding for participation in training courses and conferences is possible based on a correctly completed application annexed to the NCBJ Director's Order No. 19/2022.


You are cordially invited to cooperate.

Agata Szwarczewska
tel. 22 273 16 07
International R&D Projects and Cooperation (SW)
Świerk, building 1, room 302

In December each year, the Minister of Science and Higher Education announces a call for applications for scholarships for outstanding young scientists. Applications should be submitted through the Funding Service System (OSF link: The scholarship can be obtained for three years in the amount of 5390 PLN per month (per account). To obtain the scholarship you have to:


A young scientist is:

„Art. 360.

  1. The Minister's scholarship for outstanding young scientists may be awarded to a young scientist who demonstrates significant achievements in scientific activity.
  2. A young scientist is a person conducting scientific activity who:

   1) is a doctoral student or academic teacher - and does not hold a doctoral degree, or

    1a) is preparing an extramural doctoral thesis and does not possess a doctoral degree - if no more than 4 years have elapsed since the date of the appointment of the promoter(s) or promoter and assistant promoter according to Article 217, or

   2) holds a doctoral degree not more than 7 years after having obtained it and is employed in an entity referred to in Article 7 section 1.

  2a. A scholarship may also be awarded to a person demonstrating significant achievements in scientific activity who holds a doctoral degree, conducts scientific activity and is employed in an entity referred to in Article 7, section 1, if the period of 7 years from the date of obtaining that degree has elapsed after the last day of the deadline for submitting scholarship applications, as specified in the regulations issued according to Article 363, subsection 1."

In the case of doctoral students, the form of employment - employment contract - is relevant.


You are cordially invited to cooperate.

Agata Szwarczewska
tel. 22 273 16 07
International R&D Projects and Cooperation (SW)
Świerk, building 1, room 302

The Commissioning Seminar colloquially known as „odbiory – Receptions” is a series of events taking place in the final months of each calendar year. They consist of conference meetings of staff from the various Departments and presentations of the major works and achievements of individual divisions and/or independent staff.

The basic premise of the reception seminar is to check the progress of the year's planned thematic research and development work and to document the creative work charged at 50% of the deductible.

The members of the Commission after listening to all the presentations and obtaining the necessary explanations, draw up the report of the seminar.


All the information necessary for the receptions is systematically posted on a dedicated website.

Website accessible by logging in:

The acceptance seminars are preceded by the preparation of the documentation provided for by the Directorate in Order No. 19/2023.


You are cordially invited to cooperate.

Dobrosława Jakubowska
tel. 22 273 14 35
International R&D Projects and Cooperation (SW)
Świerk, building 1, room 302


Agata Szwarczewska
tel. 22 273 16 07
International R&D Projects and Cooperation (SW)
Świerk, building 1, room 302

The institute is evaluated as a unit carrying out scientific activities. Parameterisation covers the achievements of all employees conducting scientific activities (persons reported to N) in disciplines in which the unit employs (as of 31.12 of the year preceding the year of evaluation) a total of 12 full-time employees.


The National Centre for Nuclear Research in the last parameterisation (for 2017-2021) was evaluated in the following disciplines obtaining the following categories:

  • physical sciences - category A,
  • environmental engineering, mining and power engineering - category B+,
  • materials engineering - category B+.


The evaluation was carried out in three criteria:

Criterion I is scientific achievements, which include: articles, monographs, chapters in monographs, conference proceedings, patents, and utility model protection rights.

Criterion II is the scientific achievements, which include scientific projects, revenues from the commercialisation of research and development work and contract research services.

Criterion III is the impact of scientific activity on society, economy, industry, and culture.


The next evaluation will take place in 2026 and will cover the years 2022-2025. It will be carried out based on the statements of discipline choice and statements of counting towards the N number, which staff employed in scientific positions or as support for scientific activities are required to submit before the end of 2025.


You are cordially invited to cooperate.

Agata Szwarczewska
tel. 22 273 16 07
International R&D Projects and Cooperation (SW)
Świerk, building 1, room 302