What do we specialise in?
- conducting research and development work relating in particular to:
- nuclear reactor physics and technology,
- ionising radiation dosimetry,
- methods of radiological protection and nuclear safety,
- other applications of nuclear technology.
- operation of nuclear reactors at the Świerk centre for research and commercial purposes,
- performing measurements and analyses to ensure nuclear safety and radiological protection at the Świerk centre,
- carrying out measurements, research and analyses in the field of nuclear safety, radiological protection, operation of nuclear reactors, radioactive waste, etc. for external entities.
Andrzeja Sołtana 7,
05-400 Otwock-Świerk
tel. +48 22 273 10 80
tel./fax +48 22 273 12 18
e-mail: DEJ@ncbj.gov.pl