NCBJ Laboratories

NOMATEN Centre of Excellence

Industry sectors / keywords: 

  • nuclear and conventional energy, mechanical and automotive, chemical, fuel, hydrogen industries;
  • research into the properties of materials and their characterisation;
  • techniques and tools used: electron microscopy, elemental composition analysis, microstructure investigation, X-ray spectroscopy;
  • study of material properties: chemical composition, relative crystallographic orientation maps, properties and distribution of crystalline grains, structure deformations.

NOMATEN's industrial partners include Mercedes - Benz Manufacturing Poland, Tomex Brakes and BlueScoope Steel Ltd.

NOMATEN is developing partnerships with industry and research organisations in the following areas:

  • high-complexity materials research;
  • developing a new field: materials informatics - the application of artificial intelligence in predicting material properties;
  • analysis and characterisation of the functional properties of materials;
  • design of new types of radiopharmaceuticals.


Key services:

  • investigations of material properties at the micro and nanoscale;
  • surface topography imaging of solid samples by scanning electron microscopy;
  • quantitative and qualitative analysis of the elemental composition of a material;
  • mapping and analysis of the crystallographic orientation of polycrystalline materials (EBSD);
  • preparation of samples for transmission electron microscopy using the FIB (Focused lon Beam) technique.


Key equipment

Scanning electron microscope equipped with FIB (Focused lon Beam), EDS (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy) and EBSD (Electron Backscatter Diffraction); allows characterisation of materials in terms of topography, differences in material composition, crystallographic orientation and elemental composition (qualitative and quantitative analysis), as well as the preparation of thin slides for transmission electron microscopy (TEM and HRTEM) or depth sectioning of multiphase materials and direct observation of sections in the SEM; electron energy range: 20eV - 30keV, SE imaging resolution: 0.7 nm (@15 keV).

Investigations carried out with a scanning electron microscope allow the surface morphology of material samples to be revealed on a micron scale, allowing the surface quality to be assessed, identifying the presence of undesirable objects.

Analysis of the spectra of characteristic X-rays emitted from the sample under energetic electron bombardment allows identification of the elemental composition of the sample material.


Contact: Prof. Łukasz Kurpaska

Science and Technology Park „Świerk” / PNT
Tel. 22 273 22 00

Świerk Computing Centre

Industry sectors / keywords:

  • nuclear and conventional power industry, fuel industry, hydrogen industry, government entities, scientific and research institutions;
  • techniques and tools used: supercomputer, computing power, computer cluster, cloud computing, HPC, numerical analysis, working on large data sets, numerical fluid mechanics;
  • research on key topics: AI, cyber security, industrial networks, OT networks, SCADA, machine learning, BIG DATA;
  • The CIŚ enables thermo-fluidic, aerodynamic, parametric analyses and numerical design.

The mission of the Świerk Computing Centre is to provide the highest quality modern IT services to entities involved in the development of the nuclear sector in the territory of the Republic of Poland, state administration units and scientific and research institutions.

The purpose of the Centre's existence is to prepare computer and infrastructural facilities capable of:

  • provide advanced data processing services for the needs of the domestic nuclear and conventional power generation;
  • simulation of fuel processes
  • simulation and monitoring of radiological hazards;
  • conduct scientific research and development in related fields;
  • operating databases established for the development and control of safety and operational services of strategic importance to the interests of the State;
  • provision of resources and services for scientific and technological research.

Centrum Informatyczne Świerk

Key services:

  • technical analyses for conventional power generation;
  • safety and operational analyses for the nuclear power industry;
  • processing and analysis of large data sets;
  • radiological and chemical risk monitoring;
  • design and reliability analyses of industrial installations;
  • design of HPC installations and IT infrastructure;
  • design of medical equipment;
  • development of dedicated solutions using artificial intelligence for image analysis, including images from IR cameras, multispectral, LIDAR data;
  • Annatator - preparation of image data for training, testing and validation of computer vision, image analysis, machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms;
  • Sentinel - AI and ML-based tools providing another layer of Cyber Security in OT networks, especially in critical infrastructure.

Key equipment

A supercomputer with the necessary associated infrastructure, one of a few High Performance Computers in Poland, which ensures efficient processing of large data sets (including the Large Hadron Collider at CERN).

The HPC (High Performance Computing) cluster is built with more than 1500 servers (36600 physical computing cores and 206TB of RAM) and more than 26PB of disk resources. Internet bandwidth is 10 Gbit/s to commercial operators, possible 100 Gbit/s for dedicated connections.

Materials characteristics / applications

Industrial infrastructure, industrial installations, control and monitoring systems for industrial installations, factories, production lines, processing, manufacturing, critical infrastructure.


Contact: Arkadiusz Ćwiek
Science and Technology Park „Świerk” / PNT
Tel. 22 273 22 00

Materials Research Laboratory

Industry sectors/keywords

Nuclear and conventional power industry, tool industry, metal processing industries, metallurgy and metallurgy, automotive industry, aviation, mechanical engineering, materials engineering, steels, metallurgical products, prefabricated products, structural components.

LBM carries out scientific research, reattestation and diagnostic work on structural materials and their welded joints, in the broad field of materials science, using destructive and non-destructive methods. Non-irradiated and irradiated materials are tested in the following laboratories:

  • Structural, Chemical and Corrosion Research Laboratory
  • Mechanical Testing Laboratory
  • Non-destructive testing laboratory
  • Hot Cell Laboratory

Laboratorium Badań Materiałowych

Key services

  • metallographic examination of non-irradiated and irradiated metals and their alloys (as well as welded joints) by optical microscopy;
  • testing of mechanical properties of non-irradiated metals and their alloys;
  • testing of the mechanical properties of metals and their alloys irradiated at room temperature;
  • testing of mechanical properties of unirradiated and irradiated welded joints;
  • hardness testing of metals and their alloys as well as unirradiated and irradiated welded joints
  • Rockwell method
  • Vickers method
  • Brinell method
  • fracture mechanics tests on unirradiated and irradiated metals and their alloys;
  • testing of shape imperfections and discontinuities of the external surfaces of welded joints of metallic materials using the visual method;
  • non-destructive testing of products and construction materials.

Key equipment

  • OLYMPUS BX53 microscope, magnification range 12.5 - 1000x;
  • Instron ±100 kN testing machine equipped with a high-temperature furnace (operating range from ambient temperature to +1000 ⁰C) and a temperature chamber (operating range -150 to +350 ⁰C);
  • Zwick/Roell Semi-automatic DuraVision G5 hardness tester (load range 0.3 - 250 kgf);
  • Olympus Omniscan MX2 defectoscope including a set of straight, double and angle heads with different frequencies;
  • Olympus 38DL Plus defectoscope with a set of straight, double probe heads;
  • OES Bruker Tasman Q4 spectrometer;
  • Raman spectrometer.

Materials characteristics / applications

Materials engineering, metal steels and alloys, ODS alloys, nickel and zirconium alloys, martensitic-ferritic steels, anti-corrosion coatings and layers, Al2O3 coatings, graphite, prefabricated parts, structural components.

Metal processing industries, metallurgy and metallurgy.

Certificates held

Accredited testing is carried out based on standards:

  • PN-64/H-04510 - Microstructure, non-metallic inclusions;
  • PN-EN ISO 17639:2022-07 - Destructive testing of welded;
  • Metal joints - Macroscopic and microscopic testing of welded joints;
  • PN-EN ISO 5817:2014-05 Welding - Welded joints of steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (except beam welded) - Quality levels according to welding imperfections;
  • EN ISO 6892-1 method B;
  • EN ISO 6892-2 method B;
  • ISO 6892-3:2015 method B.


Contact: Prof. Jarosław Jasiński
Science and Technology Park „Świerk” / PNT
Tel. 22 273 22 00

Radiation Protection Measurements Laboratory

Industry sectors/keywords

  • nuclear industry, medicine, health care, use of ionising radiation sources, radioactive waste management, environmental studies;
  • gamma-ray spectrometry;
  • radiochemical methods;
  • radon surveys;
  • operational measurements.

LPD provides dosimetry measurement services as well as training and expertise in dosimetry and radiological protection. LPD laboratories:

  • Dosimetry apparatus calibration laboratory;
  • Environmental contamination measurement laboratory;
  • Internal contamination measurement laboratory.

Laboratorium Pomiarów Dozymetrycznych
Laboratorium Pomiarów Dozymetrycznych

Key services / technologies

LPD conducts research in the determination of:

  • the activity of radionuclides accumulated in the human body, including the thyroid gland;
  • concentration of radionuclide activity in urine samples.

LPD provides calibration services for:

  • gamma and neutron radiation control and measurement apparatus;
  • alpha- and beta-radioactive surface contamination meters.

Materials characteristics / applications

  • environmental samples (e.g. water, soil, air, vegetation);
  • working environment samples;
  • technological samples;
  • biological samples.

Certificates held by the Polish Centre for Accreditation:

LPD testing under AP 070 accreditation

  • Calibration: dosimetric quantities, surface radiation emission

LPD testing covered by accreditation AB 567

  • Areas of research:
    • radiochemical and radiation testing - including nuclear (O)
  • Subjects:
    • biological objects and materials to be tested
    • air
    • water
    • waste water
    • general environment (physical agents)
  • Measurement: Dosimetric quantities


Contact: Jakub Ośko
Science and Technology Park „Świerk” / PNT
Tel. 22 273 22 00

Clean Room

Increasingly, companies need to carry out scientific research or the assembly of their prototypes or their preliminary tests in extremely sterile conditions - without contaminants such as dust, dust, fungi or bacteria. For this you need a specialized laboratory, the so-called Clean Room. Our laboratory meets stringent quality criteria, according to the international standard ISO 14 644-1-class 8.


Our laboratory consists of:

  • storage room,
  • dirty checkroom,
  • clean checkroom,
  • sluice room,
  • clean room with an area of 25m2.

The preferred form of cooperation, both for us and for our clients, is the long-term exclusive lease of the Clean Room laboratory by one company.

Clean Room

Who is it for?

The correspondingly high cleanliness class of the Clean Room laboratory allows research work to be carried out even by those industries where strict sterility conditions are required. Among them are: medicine and pharmacy, electronics or optoelectronics. It can be used to conduct, for example:

  • assembly of medical devices,
  • mixing of pharmaceutical products,
  • assembly of semiconductors,
  • assembly of electronic circuits,
  • construction of scintillation and semiconductor detectors,
  • hermetization of integrated circuits and other electronics components,
  • precision scientific measurements.

Daniel Więcek
Joanna Walkiewicz
Science and Technology Park „Świerk” / PNT
Tel. 22 273 22 00


Clean room laboratory cleanliness classes according to ISO 14644-1:

Optical Scanner Laboratory

If you need to accurately visualize an object, the measurement of which, due to complex organic shapes, is difficult or even impossible by traditional methods, the optical scanner is an excellent solution. With this method, you can obtain a high-resolution three-dimensional model of a given object, which can be used in further design, modification and personalization of an already existing product or quality control based on an existing design. We specialize in imaging objects with different properties and surface types.

Skaner 3D
Skaner 3D


Our ATOS II Triple Scan industrial optical scanner is characterized by high resolution, allowing imaging even of complex objects, whose elements are both small (even 38x29 mm) and quite large (2000x1500 mm).

We can scan large-size objects thanks to the use of an appropriate measurement system and specialized software. The special matting agents we use also give us the ability to scan shiny objects, transparent objects or models with dark surfaces.

Our scanner is equipped with a rotating platform, which allows us to significantly reduce imaging time. The fact that the scanning process is non-contact gives us the ability to examine even very delicate objects, such as antique, archaeological or bone models.

Who is it for?

Our lab is most often used by design and manufacturing companies that are looking for ways to:

  • imaging historical products (reverse engineering) and obtaining their designs in 3D,
  • quality control of their prototypes and non-mass products,
  • comparing a prototype with a digital design,
  • conducting strength simulations on a digital representation of the model,
  • detecting and eliminating discrepancies in the manufacturing process,
  • creating virtual models of products and developing their 3D documentation, including measurement reports including GD&T,
  • personalizing products for specific customers.

Optical scanner imaging is also used by public institutions, for example:

  • museums for documentation of monuments and museum specimens,
  • hospitals and clinics for personalizing orthoses, prostheses, orthopedic shoes and insoles for such footwear.

The most common industries using optical scanner research capabilities are:

  • industrial design
  • automotive
  • aerospace
  • medical
  • machinery
  • tooling
  • electronic
  • 3D printing

Daniel Więcek
Joanna Walkiewicz
Science and Technology Park „Świerk” / PNT
Tel. 22 273 22 00

3D Printing Laboratory

We invite you to use our 3D printing lab. It's an excellent way to produce and test prototypes prior to serial production, and to produce small-batch or individual precision and unique components. With 3D printing, ordering parties reduce the cost of developing new products or components and reduce the risk of manufacturing errors. It also makes it possible to quickly replace damaged parts of machines and equipment.

Druk 3D

3D printing offers a wide range of applications in many industries. Our laboratory performs both prototypes of metal parts of machines and devices, as well as whole finished products with complex spatial structures. Our printer, working with DMLM (Direct Metal Laser Melting) technology, guarantees the ability to produce precise elements of any shape in metal. This technology involves melting a layer of metal powder using laser beam energy. In the next stage, a thin layer of material is applied to the model and the sintering process is repeated until a print that reproduces the digital 3D model is obtained. DMLM technologies are distinguished by the possibility of using a random sintering process using the so-called island remelting technique, which minimizes internal stresses in the resulting model and prevents its deformation.

Technical parameters of our 3D printer:

  • Working chamber dimensions: 90x90x80 mm             
  • Working chamber volume: 0.67 dm3
  • Volume of the powder chamber: 1.34 dm3
  • Laser power: 100 W
  • Wavelength: 1070 mm
  • Layer thickness: 20-50 µm
  • Maximum scanning speed: 7 m/s
  • Focus diameter: 50 µm
  • Speed: 1-5 cm3/h (depending on material and printing parameters)

The most commonly used metallic powders include:

  • CL20ES, stainless steel 1.4404
  • CL41TI ELI, titanium alloy (TiAl6V4)
  • CL 80CU, bronze

Who is it for?

3D printing is a particularly attractive solution for those industries where geometrically complex parts need to be designed, manufactured and tested in a short time, which would be too costly to obtain by injection molding.

The industries most likely to use this option are:

  • automotive
  • aerospace
  • railroad
  • space
  • engineering
  • foundry
  • defense
  • construction and architecture
  • jewelry
  • medical and dental
  • advertising

Daniel Więcek
Joanna Walkiewicz
Science and Technology Park „Świerk” / PNT
Tel. 22 273 22 00



The examined component is subjected to an X-ray beam directed perpendicularly to the object (2D) and the detector is then placed behind the object or multidirectionally (3D) and a tomographic image is obtained in this arrangement.

2D radiographic examinations of castings, welds, parts and components made of various materials are carried out. Thanks to a team of specialists and state-of-the-art equipment, it is possible to carry out radiographic examinations of components of various sizes and materials. This ranges from the examination of very small components using an industrial tomograph, with which digital X-rays can also be taken, through examinations using X-ray tubes and digital DDR detectors, to radiographic examinations of large, dense objects (up to 300 mm of steel) using a Lillyput linear accelerator as an X-ray source.

Radiographic testing is one of the most popular and effective non-destructive testing (NDT) methods. They are used today in many areas of industry, agriculture or scientific research. They are used very widely in quality control, making the internal structure visible, including, for example, defects such as cracks, discontinuities, gas bubbles, porosity, impurities, etc. Objects made of a wide variety of materials such as metal alloys, plastics, rubber, ceramics, wood, concrete and others can be subjected to radiographic examination.

Industrial computed tomography (CT) is a non-destructive (3D) method of examining the internal structure of objects. It can be an excellent tool for quality control of products and parts. It makes it possible to analyse objects made up of a wide variety of materials from biological tissues to minerals, ceramics, plastics and metals and their alloys.

When scanning the smallest samples, a spatial resolution of a few micrometres can be achieved (microtomography). The machine is equipped with three different X-ray tubes, making it possible to scan both small objects with high resolution and larger objects where higher-energy radiation is required. The maximum diameter of an object that can be tomographed is approximately 30 cm, while it is possible to scan larger objects in fragments and virtually assemble them into a single file. Tomography makes it possible to:

  • analysis of the structural regularity (dimensions, joints, porosity, permeability...);
  • analysis of damage and defects (cracks, discontinuities, inclusions, etc.);
  • wear analysis;
  • reverse engineering, allows the collection of the complete geometry (internal and external) of the workpiece. With the help of the software, it can be transformed into a virtual CAD (Computer-aided Design) model. This can be used to find deviations and defects in the copy compared to the master part/CAD model. Deviations are shown in 3D images, using different colours, depending on their size and direction. The CAD model can also be used to produce spare parts not available on the market.

Nuclear reactor radiography

In a reactor, neutrons are emitted during fission which have energies in the order of a few megaelectron volts and are referred to as fast neutrons. The space of the reactor is filled with a so-called moderator, one of whose tasks is to slow down the fast neutrons to lower energies. Once the lower energies are reached, a state of thermodynamic equilibrium between the neutron energies and the thermal vibrational energies of the medium is established. Neutrons in this state are called thermal neutrons. Thermal neutrons are used to irradiate various types of materials in order to achieve a state of their activity ( diagnostic and therapeutic radio-pharmaceuticals, molybdenum) their modification Topaz colour change, Silicon obtaining phosphorus doping. For irradiation, the material in question is placed in aluminium trays inside a reactor for the required time and then directed for further processing according to its purpose. Irradiation operations can be performed for scientific, medical and economic purposes.

Radiografia reaktorowa

Contact: Sławomir Wronka
Science and Technology Park „Świerk” / PNT
Tel. 22 273 22 00