The European XFEL (European X-ray Free Electron Laser) is being built at DESY's synchrotron research centre in Hamburg.

Modern molecular biology, pharmacology, biophysics with medical applications, materials engineering, crystallography and condensed matter physics will not progress without the use of new radiation sources such as the XFEL in the experiment.

The mission of the National Consortium of scientific entities interested in participating in the construction and exploitation of the European Free Electron Laser (XFEL) is to work towards a significant Polish participation in the construction and exploitation of this unique source.

The objective of the National Consortium is to:

  1. Ensure effective use of the opportunities created by Poland's participation in the XFEL project by conducting information and training activities on the conditions for participation of industry and scientific entities in this undertaking.
  2. Coordinate and provide organisational support for the activities of Consortium members related to their participation in the XFEL project.

The basis of the Consortium's activities is funding obtained from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the form of special projects to finance research support activities.

Aktualności XFEL

Warsztaty „XFEL applications in material sciences” 2024

Another workshop "XFEL applications in material sciences" has ended

The workshop ‘XFEL applications in material sciences’ is organised periodically within the framework of the project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education supporting the development of the Polish XFEL research community in order to take full advantage of the new research opportunities offered by EuXFEL. The event took place at the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw on 5-6 December 2024.

Wsparcie polskich użytkowników EuXFEL – Nadzór II (2022-26)

W dniu 22 grudnia 2022 została zawarta umowa o realizację projektu w ramach programu Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki „Wsparcie udziału polskich zespołów naukowych w międzynarodowych projektach infrastruktury badawczej” związanego z wykorzystaniem Europejskiego Lasera na Swobodnych Elektronach (EuXFEL). Umowę podpisał prof. dr hab.

Wsparcie polskich użytkowników EuXFEL

Projekt „Wsparcie polskich użytkowników EuXFEL – Nadzór II (2022-26)” został zaakceptowany do finansowania w ramach programu „Wsparcie udziału polskich zespołów naukowych w międzynarodowych projektach infrastruktury badawczej” Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki.

Scientific Big Data Analysis for the European XFEL

On October 23rd, Pro­fes­sor Robert Feiden­han­s’l, Exe­cu­tive Direc­tor of Euro­pean XFEL GmbH and Pro­fes­sor Krzysz­tof Kurek, NCBJ Direc­tor Gene­ral have signed an adden­dum to the NCBJ-XFEL agre­ement, as well as an agre­ement on imple­men­ting the Scien­ti­fic Big Data Ana­ly­sis pro­ject. The XFEL dele­ga­tion also met with the poten­tial Polish users of the laser and with the representatives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

European XFEL plans ultrahigh-speed network connection to Poland

Euroean XFEL press release: Data from experiments will also be processed at partner institute NCBJ in Otwock-Swierk.

NCBJ zaprasza na Piknik Naukowy. Naszym gościem będzie XFEL

11 maja NCBJ weźmie udział w tegorocznej 23 edycji Pikniku Naukowego (stoisko A41). Tematem przewodnim Pikniku jest hasło „My i Maszyny”. Wybraliśmy strefę przyszłości i skupiliśmy się na reaktorze jądrowym, ale pokażemy też akcelerator IntraLine i system CANIS. Naszym gościem specjalnym będzie European XFEL prezentujący wirtualną wycieczkę po najpotężniejszym laserze na świecie. 

European XFEL inaugurated

European XFEL free electron laser built in Hamburg was inaugurated on September 1, 2017. The laser has brought about quite new experimental opportunities to physicists, chemists, biologists, and engineers all over the world. NCBJ co-owns the facility.

Akcelerator nadprzewodzący European XFEL, fot. European XFEL

Particle accelerator for the European XFEL laser commissioned

DESY and European XFEL GmbH company have jointly announced that commissioning of a superconducting accelerator that is to feed the European XFEL laser has just been concluded in research centre in Hamburg. The team that built the accelerator included scientists and technicians from Poland. NCBJ is a partner in the project.

Iniektor elektronów European XFEL, fot. Dirk Nölle, DESY

First electrons in European XFEL

Succesful acceleration of first electrons in XFEL electron injector is a major milestone in development of the European Free-Electron X-ray Laser. Eu-XFEL Accelerator Consortium has assigned NCBJ the task to produce and deliver some 1.2 million Euro worth components of control circuitry to-be-deployed at XFEL research stands. The assignment is a sure sign of recognition of capabilities of Polish science/industry.

Data zakończenia projektu