
Preliminary safety report of nuclear reactor, in context of environmental conditions of Poland

sala 172, bud. 39 (Cyfronet, III piętro),

05 Mar, 2024 - 05 Mar, 2024


Seminarium Zakładu Energetyki Jądrowej i Analiz Środowiska (UZ3)

Departament Badań Układów Złożonych (DUZ)

Prelegent i afiliacja: Ewa Kowalik-Pilarska, NCBJ

Data: Wtorek: 05.03.2024, godz. 11:30


Seminarium hybrydowe:    sala 172, bud. 39 (Cyfronet, III piętro)

transmisja online:


A nuclear object, such as a power plant or research reactor, has to meet featured safety requirements, which are included in Polish atomic law and additional regulations. For this purpose, a preliminary safety report of the nuclear object should be prepared. The mentioned document describes the operation of the object in previous years, in the context of permission for further operation in the same terms.

The description of the impact of external events on the safety of reactor operation is the safety report content on which this presentation will focus. The activity of natural forces, such as meteorological and hydrological conditions would be discussed in more detail, as well as the impact of the nuclear object on the natural environment.


Serdecznie zapraszamy 

Mariusz Dąbrowski, Tomasz Kwiatkowski




Ewa Kowalik-Pilarska is an environmental engineer, working for the Division of Nuclear Energy and Environmental Studies of the National Centre for Nuclear Research since 2015.