Summary of MARIA Research Reactor historical reliability data analysis

Seria: Division of Nuclear Energy and Environmental Studies (UZ3) Prelegent: Jacek Kałowski NCBJ Data: 18.02.2025, 11:30 AM

Wielkości nanodozymetryczne w analizie skutków napromieniania komórek V79 lekkimi jonami

Seria: Departament Aparatury i Technik Jądrowych DTJ Prelegent: Monika Kopińska Data: 18.02.2025r. Godz. : 11.30

The Multi-Faceted Nature of Galaxy Evolution: The role of molecular gas, winds, environment and star formation histories

Seria: Seminarium Astrofizyczne Prelegent: Dr. Caroline Bertemes (University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany) Data: wtorek 11 lutego godz. 12:30

Development of HTGR technology and the petrochemical coupling in China

Seria: Seminarium Zakładu Energetyki Jądrowej i Analiz Środowiska (UZ3) Prelegent: Cao Boran CNNC/CNOS Data: Tuesday: 11.02.2025, 11:30 AM

GRBs redshifts inferred with machine learning and consequences on the GRB density rate

Seria: Seminarium Astrofizyczne Prelegent: Maria Giovanna Dainotti (National Observatory of Japan) Data: piątek 07.02.2025 godz. 12:30

Nanoindentation at room and elevated temperatures of metal and ceramic based materials

Seria: NOMATEN Seminar Prelegent: : Dr. Jovana Ružić / Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia Data: February 4th, 2025, 1PM